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False Bans: Please Read


Great Reporter
May 14, 2022
One thing I have to say, is how this whole mass banning has brought everybody's spirit down, even our brightest players sprits and motives torn down. For anyone who wants to quit, who thinks this is all a lost cause (and this server will fall), give it a chance. Try to make a change, and if you think your voice goes unheard-- somebody will hear it. I've seen many times where players will care about other players and make an act of kindness. Those mean a lot to people, and I have seen many people be stopped from quitting before. I would like to say, I believe, maybe our community can be fixed. It all depends on whether or not staff makes a choice to help make our community better. I bet this will get better, and if it doesn't- optimistic attitudes always help tackles problems like that. I hope our: staff, our developers, and our community make a choice to fix what has been done wrong. I really hope the developers can patch some of the ways duping occurs, and staff can unban the people who were falsely banned; I hope this community can be patient and understanding with the staff and developers. I have so much to say, but I'd be here forever typing if I said it all. A positive attitude, one can only hope will be enough to pull through and save our community. I hope this reaches as many people as possible, and is maybe noticed by someone who has the power to unban-- the power to stop the duping. I hope the owners see this even, and realize they still, despite mistakes they've made while making this amazing community-- their community still cares. If any owners see this, please try and fix your mistakes, since nothing is perfect, but you can always change a mistake to an adjustment! As much as I know we all wish to rage and say horrible things about this server and the owners/staff, please give them a chance to fix their mistakes. Please reserve your hateful thoughts for your own mind. I hope you all can make a choice to still play this server. If a positive attitude doesn't work: you can all blame me, and hate being positive for the rest of your life, but please think for a second-- about how that sounds in words. Even if this message fixes nothing, I hope this is helpful in some way.


Great Reporter
May 14, 2022
That's completely reasonable, and you do have to understand, I agree with you, I choose not to express my hate for them though. I just make a choice to keep my hate for certain people to myself. But it's reasonable to say that as well.


Pika Lover
Feb 9, 2020
One thing I have to say, is how this whole mass banning has brought everybody's spirit down, even our brightest players sprits and motives torn down. For anyone who wants to quit, who thinks this is all a lost cause (and this server will fall), give it a chance. Try to make a change, and if you think your voice goes unheard-- somebody will hear it. I've seen many times where players will care about other players and make an act of kindness. Those mean a lot to people, and I have seen many people be stopped from quitting before. I would like to say, I believe, maybe our community can be fixed. It all depends on whether or not staff makes a choice to help make our community better. I bet this will get better, and if it doesn't- optimistic attitudes always help tackles problems like that. I hope our: staff, our developers, and our community make a choice to fix what has been done wrong. I really hope the developers can patch some of the ways duping occurs, and staff can unban the people who were falsely banned; I hope this community can be patient and understanding with the staff and developers. I have so much to say, but I'd be here forever typing if I said it all. A positive attitude, one can only hope will be enough to pull through and save our community. I hope this reaches as many people as possible, and is maybe noticed by someone who has the power to unban-- the power to stop the duping. I hope the owners see this even, and realize they still, despite mistakes they've made while making this amazing community-- their community still cares. If any owners see this, please try and fix your mistakes, since nothing is perfect, but you can always change a mistake to an adjustment! As much as I know we all wish to rage and say horrible things about this server and the owners/staff, please give them a chance to fix their mistakes. Please reserve your hateful thoughts for your own mind. I hope you all can make a choice to still play this server. If a positive attitude doesn't work: you can all blame me, and hate being positive for the rest of your life, but please think for a second-- about how that sounds in words. Even if this message fixes nothing, I hope this is helpful in some way.
These are kind word Heart, thanks for trying to make people feel a little better about this situation. I think the thoughts and feelings ur expressing in ur post are feelings that a lot of the players on survival feel. And like you said in your post, many of us have anger or other upset feelings about whats going on rn. But I honestly feel that its up to the players to make the community into a place where we all want to play at. Thats something we have to work on together and its also something that we shouldnt expect too much help from staff or owners or devs. The truth is you said a lot of things in your post that could be responded to and I know im only covering some of them here. For all the things that you hope for, I hope for the same thing, but also at the same time i believe we have a better chance of attemtping to accomplish those goals for ourselves than being able to count on staff to help us in any way. I dont think staff and devs and owners are bad people, I just think they have their own goals and incentives and agendas, there is no incentive for them, nor are they paid to directly help players, which is why you dont ever see that happening unfortunately. The ugliness of whats going on with survival right now is an excellent example of that situation.


Pika Lover
Apr 9, 2022
just gonna pop in here listening to heart and anyname's essays - not meant to insult xd


May 10, 2017
It's good to keep the high spirits and try to always strife for things to be a little better then they were.
It's also good to see you trying to be positive about things lol You are improving, I'm glad to see that :)
The next improvement is quitting trying to have people blame you for things they might do wrong.
But hey step by step lol
Hope you all are having fun with the reset, and with the things being somewhat fresh once again!
Don't forget to make some builds for the community :D