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Donator, Dontor+ and Donator++ ranks back

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Mar 11, 2016
Hello ladies/gentleman,

My name is Sander and I've been with pikanetwork sinc 2012, aka the panda era, Allot of old players feel nostalic talking about the good old days where there were no ninja or warlock ranks but just simple donator, donator+ and donator++ ranks, where the admins would just do dropparties at spawn dropping spawn eggs and actualy talking to normal players like they cared.

Pikanetwork has changed from a small and tight community to a big and to my opion unpersonal machine, I can't realy change he way staff is talking to players and It isnt my intention to change it.
Im here to ask if its possible if we could have our donator titles changed back to donator, donator+ and donator++ (with the add of donator+++ or Ultimat donator for alchemist rank).
It made things just that more clear and peacefull.

I realy hope you guys will concider changing this.

Thanks for your attention and time.
Sander Kooistra (Emminence)


Feb 26, 2016
Personally i dont like the idea simply that i think the rank names are more interesting
But your first paragraph there is part truth in that
1) the survival community has got a lot smaller, in January it would peak over 100 on saturdays this month only about 60 people and it upsetting but there
2) Thav does drop parties once a month /warp 01ville but i think harsh was planning on doing something at silicon but i agree admins who come on dont do drop parties as much as they use to at spawn but also admins dont usually come on but thats because we dont usually need(so not complaining) With drop parties its more up to players i will hold big drop party this weekend/.
3) staff talk to normal players arguably donators more yes but thats because donators usually have more issues and donators go on ts3 and talk there and etc(thats just general)
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