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Dear, Staff I think the content creator rank’s called “YOUTUBE” and “TWITCH” should be lowered down just a little and here is why. 1. For the YOTUBE rank. The youtuber rank right now has a requirement of 750 subscribers with a max of 150 views a video and 3 videos on the server. Now while this is good, only few people on the cracked Minecraft community have these subscribers and your server is a most cracked player server and most cracked players wont be able to grow a lot on this server from YouTube. I think the requirements should be lowered to 450 or 500 subscribers because a lot mote cracked players are stuck at 400 or 500 subscribers and would love a good server to make videos on. Making the rank requirements lower will make it easier for players to get it but not too easy but this will give them the motivation to get that rank on this server rather then any other servers. Now for the uploads, changing the video views of a upload to 135 instead of 150 will be better but instead of 3 videos we will need 8 videos on the server in total and 1 video a week. And one more thing is since the requirements will be lowered make giving the ranks more picky, if our video quality is bad don’t accept us Pick good editing youtubers. I think these should be the requirement’s for this servers youtuber rank and I hope you accept it I’m a content creator on the server and I really do think this will make the pika network community bigger and better. 2. For the TWITCH rank The twitch ranks requirements are 300 followers and this is also a decent amount but a little to high and here’s why I think that. Now while 300 followers is good, people on twitch know its really hard to grow there so having the requirements as 300 will be kind of hard but making the requirements 250 or 200 will keep it just a little lower and more people can get it. If you think about it the content creators on pika network is 99% Youtubers and 1% Twitch Streamers, and I’ve never seen a twitch rank on the discord or in-game so lowering it to either 250 or 200 will make more people determined to get it. I’m a content creator on the server and I really do think this will make the pika network community bigger and better. To msg me my discord is Jahye#1709 and my YT is Jahye let me know if you want to ask questions.
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My main reason is that I see a lot of good underrated youtube such as myself that don't get credit for their work and who are grinding for a youtube rank. Making the requirements lower will give content creators a chance to actually reach the youtube rank goal, it will also give us a good video title "YOUTUBE RANK on PIKANETWORK"
and YouTubers such as myself will make videos called "proximity that be with yt ranks" and "1v1ing my friends yt rank series"
and YouTubers such as myself will make videos called "proximity that be with yt ranks" and "1v1ing my friends yt rank series"