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Denied Website Global Content Creator changes YT rank

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Oct 17, 2022
Minecraft username:

Content Creator changes YT rank​

Detailed description:
I feel like the macro should be changed a tiny bit, it first sounds harsh when saying "Yours wasn't selected for further consideration".

It would also be nice if it listed the exact reason why it didn't get accepted, so they can either improve themself or improve their application. If it was for not meeting a requirement, list the requirement. Make it easier for them to apply again in the future.

It would also be very good if the requirements were to be lowered

I also like the idea of how they give YouTubers who stream an option to get the role as well. Some YouTubers prefer to stream and not make videos. Perhaps make that an option for them to do as well?

Instead of having to hit 150 views per Pika Video, perhaps getting 35 Watchers while being live and getting 80 views on the stream after it is no longer live.
Perhaps changing 1500 to 1000 or 1250. (Same with the view requirement perhaps)​

Improves the player count and gathers more content creators.
To sum it up.

Change the macro to being more friendly and more encouraging, list the exact reason why they got denied.

Lower the requirements and give more options.​


Staff Member
Jun 27, 2023
Minecraft username:

Content Creator changes YT rank

Detailed description:
I feel like the macro should be changed a tiny bit, it first sounds harsh when saying "Yours wasn't selected for further consideration".

It would also be nice if it listed the exact reason why it didn't get accepted, so they can either improve themself or improve their application. If it was for not meeting a requirement, list the requirement. Make it easier for them to apply again in the future.

It would also be very good if the requirements were to be lowered

I also like the idea of how they give YouTubers who stream an option to get the role as well. Some YouTubers prefer to stream and not make videos. Perhaps make that an option for them to do as well?

Instead of having to hit 150 views per Pika Video, perhaps getting 35 Watchers while being live and getting 80 views on the stream after it is no longer live.

Perhaps changing 1500 to 1000 or 1250. (Same with the view requirement perhaps)

Improves the player count and gathers more content creators.

To sum it up.

Change the macro to being more friendly and more encouraging, list the exact reason why they got denied.

Lower the requirements and give more options.

When getting denied for a Media Rank, it shows the reason you were denied, for example "Insufficient Requirements Met".
Also, as a YouTube rank, you are also able to primarily stream, there's no need to just make videos.

Please read the Media Information post here as it could clarify some things and save all of us time.

Enjoy playing on PikaNetwork :yaychu:
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