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Forums Changes in appeal and complaint forem


Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft username:

Changes in appeal and complaint forem​

Detailed description:
Now the forem once we post a complaint or appeal and admin reply it we cant send more messages.
I suggest making it

1. Complaint forem.

When someone open a complaint forem now what happend is a admin check it and if proof is legit punish him. But it would be better to ask the acused if he has really done it or what he has to say about the it. I mean it maybe a bug or a mistake from accuse. So my suggesion is to add the accused in the forem and ask him about it . i know that some players may not have accounts in forem or wont check it. If a player dont have account in forem no need to add and excute the punishment as normal. And keep a time for the player to respond like 12hrs or smt. If the player dont respond in this time punish as normal. Like its a 2 way communication . we have to hear his side also.

2 Appeal

In the appeal forem now if it get denied they cany message there anymore. Make it like they can still message for 5-6 hrs an if he has to say smt he can do it. After the time it become like now (can't message)​

This way way the accused have chance to justify himself.​

I open a complaint agaist a player. And the admin will add him here and he can say what he has to talk about that incident.

I hope you understand what i meant.

Like the ticket bots in discord​