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Denied Global Censor swear words (WARNING A LOT OF SWEAR WORDS)

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Mar 4, 2017
Minecraft Username:

Censor swear words

Detailed description:
When you say "fuck" or any swear word, it will censor out to "****". Players won't be punished if they swore but the chat filter censored it, players will still get punished however if they bypass the filter.

I myself swear a lot without the intention to harm anyone, it's just how I talk. Because of that, I am on my fourth and last offense before getting perm muted, and I won't like that, especially because I am thriving to sooner or later becoming a staff member in Pika-Network, and in order for that to happen, I need to be well-known by the community, but I can't since I am muted for 3 weeks. That being aside, when I do get unmuted, when I try to appeal, staff will use my punishment history against me. I wouldn't blame them, but 75% of my punishments are chat offenses like hackusating and swearing, most of which were years ago.

Censoring swear words will be a whole lot easier for the entire community. For the older side of the community, because they won't have to be getting punished for swearing, and it will automatically censor it out, and for the younger side of the community, because although swearing is not allowed, there is no doubt people still swear, so if the words don't get censored, there is a high chance they will see it.

"Fuck" > "****"
"Oh shit" > "Oh ****"
However if someone bypasses the censoring system for example:
"Oh s hit" or "Oh f uck"
They will get a punished for swearing. Whether it's a warn or a mute, depending on their offense.


Mar 18, 2020
Hello SinqWhyMMMcccas,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone. However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Already suggested.
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Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.

Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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