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Bugs Alert ! Plz fix owners - Loppy200

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New Member
Mar 8, 2019
Hello there owner ! I've been playing on this server for a long while with my friend AssassinCread and since then i've found out a lot of bugs in this server. I talked with your mod about this and he told me to state bugs so here they are !

1- There's a map where team green have a chest with SHOP items in it and using that people could easily get obsidian protection at the start of the match.

2- The Gens are weird only one person get the stuff at one time and that sucks.

3- When you kill a player holding items like (gold, iron, diamond, or emerald) you won't get it and it would just dissapear, this thing is in many servers that u get stuff from killing the player that he had in his hand not the sword and blocks, but the golds and those. I'd love to see it here. (This is me giving an idea if you like it then get it if not the ignore this)

4- In some maps people could use tnt to break stuff that has not been placed by players.

5- In some maps there is no shop villager.

6- Items values for which you can buy them are incorrect at shop. The diamodn sword says 24 emerlads while if u click it using 4 emerlads you can purchase it and also the stone pickaxe and the wooden pickaxe have the same 30 iron price so useless to buy wooden.

7- The time here is 1.5x faster and that's unfair it should be normal.

8- Items are wayy too cheap.

I've forgotten a lot of bugs because its been so long since i've played this server i jsut logged in today to play and found those ones and stated them here. (Ignoire the silly gramatical errors that i made)
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