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Denied BedWars Bedwars Fix Dealing Kb For Laggy Players,Fixing Lag Backs, Bedwars New Maps Except For Changing Map

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Feb 13, 2023

Bedwars Fix Dealing Kb For Laggy Players,Fixing Lag Backs, Bedwars New Maps Except For Changing Map Rotation​

Detailed description:
Hello, I Would Like To Have Some New Bedwars Maps As Old Bedwars Rotation Is Really Boring We Want Maps Similar To Hypixel Bedwars Maps And WE Need a Fixed Kb That Deal Equal kB TO All The Players Because Players With High Ping Doesnt kae Kb and Please Can u Fix lag Backs In Ur Server WHen We R Playing Bedwars We Gt Lag Backs And When We r Bridging Our Blocks Dissappear And Remove Hackers And Make ur WatchDog Better There Are New hackers In Pika Skywars And Bedwars.They r Not Banable Their Name Consist Of Dots eg. .PegasusKaffee0880 Like This Normal Player Would Have Name Like PegasusKaffee0880 Please Ban All The Dot Hackers Thnk You. HOpefully U Will Take Action After Seeing THis <3

The Reason WE Want New Bedwars Maps Is Because The Origianl Rotational Maps R Really Boring Except For Speedway Lighthouse But We want Comletely Set Of New Maps And This TIme Add 30 maps not 9 or 11 Please thank you​


Staff Member
Apr 29, 2022
Hello ZebraTaser,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Not an actual suggestion
  • If you got your own map, you can suggest instead of saying "We want hypixel maps"
  • Kb is a lot dependent on ping and cps of a player, it's not a practical idea to make all players take equal kb, it's not something that's possible
  • There are minor lag spikes but the lag backs are mostly cause of client end connections
  • Report block disappearing issue with video evidence of at least 1min or longer here(if possible include your ping and fps in the video)-> https://pika-network.net/bug-report/
  • The anticheat is totally fine, it's impossible to create the perfect anticheat with no bypasses in this game, it was never possible, and it won't be possible to totally eliminate cheaters, they can only be limited, we don't receive multiple cheating related reports, incase we do, we will consider looking into the issue only if we get sufficient valid reports take some action, so continue reporting-> https://pika-network.net/report/
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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