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SkyMines Add these 2 chatcolor in /goldshop


Great Reporter
Oct 29, 2021
Minecraft username:

Add these 2 chatcolor in /goldshop​

Detailed description:
I was checking out the /chatcolor menu and noticed two chat colors:
  1. Christmas Chat Color
  2. Cheers Chat Color
View: https://imgur.com/a/2oxygzO

View: https://imgur.com/a/OCde89M

Based on their names, I assumed these were part of the Christmas and New Year loot crates. But when I checked the crates when they were released, these chat colors weren’t there. That means they were either meant to be in the crates but got left out or were never added. So now, they’re unobtainable right now, even though they show up in the /chatcolor menu.

Here are the screenshots of the Christmas and New Year loot crates:
View: https://imgur.com/a/iRyEFQS

View: https://imgur.com/a/cPD8WwU

My Suggestion is:

Could you add the Christmas Chat Color and Cheers Chat Color to the /goldshop ? These chat colors look amazing! Since they are listed in the /chatcolor menu but unobtainable, making them available through /goldshop​

Maybe these chat colors were meant to be added to the Christmas and New Year loot crates but they weren't somehow. Allowing players to buy these chat colors through /goldshop would be the best solution since they’re currently unobtainable. And these 2 chat colors look very tempting and beautiful!​

It’s up to the developers to decide the rarity and price of these chat colors, the suggestion was just to grab attention of developers to add these 2 chat colors in /goldshop​