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Survival Add /pay <amount of money>


Pika Lover
Feb 2, 2024
Minecraft username:

Add /pay command

Detailed description:
There are 2 ways currently that exists to a player money.

1) Bank Notes: With /withdrawmoney command, we can withdraw the money and either trade it or gift it to the player whom we wanna pay.

2) By trading: With /trade command, we can trade the amount of money we want with the player.

Suggestion: I am here to suggest a new way of paying someone money. This feature exists in some game modes in pika but not in survival so I thought why this isn't in survival. I mean there is no reason to not to add this feature to pay someone money. I am talking about adding /pay command in survival. Currently existing ways of paying someone has become old so /pay command will be a lot easier to pay someone money directly without withdrawing the money or trading it.

For example: /pay 10000 <playername> and then directly the money transfers into his balance deducting from ours.

This will make paying a player a lot easier. We just direcly send the money without withdrawing it.

Example: /pay 10000 <playername>

10k money transfers into the balance of the player name specified deducting the amount from our balance.