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Practice Add /nickcolor in Practice.


Epic Pika
Dec 25, 2022
Minecraft username:

Add /nickcolor in Practice.

Detailed description:
This suggestion is about adding a /nickcolor command in Practice mode, allowing players to easily change the color of their nickname while using /nick. Right now, players with Gold or higher ranks can nick themselves with multiple color nickname. Adding /nickcolor would give players to easily change while keeping the disguise feature intact.

With this command, players could choose from a set of pre-approved colors, making their nickname stand out a bit without revealing their real identity. It would work just like /nick, meaning the color change would only apply while the player is nicked. This wouldn’t give any competitive advantage—just a small cosmetic feature to make the experience more enjoyable.

For those who are confused while using /nick :

command = /nick <nickname>

/nick &1<nickname> = Dark Blue Nickcolor

/nick &2<nickname> = Emerald Green Nickcolor

/nick &3<nickname> = Aqua Nickcolor

/nick &4<nickname> = Dark red Nickcolor

/nick &5<nickname> = Purple Nickcolor

/nick &6<nickname> = Gold Yellow Nickcolor

/nick &7<nickname> = Gray Nickcolor

/nick &8<nickname> = Dark Gray Nickcolor

/nick &9<nickname> = Blue Nickcolor

/nick &0<nickname> = Black Nickcolor

For multiple colors in nickname:

/nick &1A&2B&3C = ABC

Using the /nick command can be a bit confusing for players who don’t know how to change their nickname color. Adding /nickcolor would make it much easier for them to set a single-color nickname without needing to figure out color codes. However, if players want multiple colors in their nickname, they can still use the /nick command as usual.

This command is currently in skymines:

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