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Add Appeal reduction on evasion bans
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When a person gets banned for ban evasion they usually can't do anything about it. But a evasion reduction Would make them able to appeal the ban explain them self's admit to the wrong and get ban reduction
I have been playing Pika Network for 7+ years, and a lot of my friends have been banned for evasion, rules are very strict on here and I understand that, but Ban reduction is a way to bring back players that have been a blessing the community.
On the other server Jartex they have Appeal reduction.
Players like: I_D_A_N and TotallyNotPvP and many others quit due to ban evasion being permanent. If people truly regret what they did they should be able to face 30-60 or even 90d ban instead of permanent.
Players like: I_D_A_N and TotallyNotPvP and many others quit due to ban evasion being permanent. If people truly regret what they did they should be able to face 30-60 or even 90d ban instead of permanent.