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OP Prison a lot of stuff to be added


Jul 12, 2023
Minecraft username:

a lot of stuff to be added​

Detailed description:
Most important
- Add kill messages back
- Trade command
- Imrpove anticheat
- more than 1 gang ally
Addons :
- Special non seasonal swords , like the special hitman set
- perm list
- Buying list (a list that u do /buying and u see what people wants to buy , its like ah but u wanna buy instead of sell )
- ShiniesTop (most raw shinies blocks mined)​

-Add kill messages back : because it was a good thing and it was fun and it was added but this season its bugged and it doesnt work
-Trade command : it prevents scams and is an easier way to trade items instead of /gift , its alr added but doesnt work-
-Improve anticheat : idk i dont need to explain it , there is a hacker every hour and its not fun , at least have a staff that plays opp a lot
- More than 1 gang ally : gang allies are a good thing but like having more than 1 ally is good too
- perm list : permed by someone means being targeted by him , we should have a list of permed people in gang or smth so we know who
-buying list : it imrpoves the way of auction house and helps people who gotta go by putting what they need and maybe finding a seller
- Shiniestop : top list of raw shiny blocks mined , cuz why not
-Special non seasonal swords : like the op hitman set , we need some custom swords too , and mostly like swords whcih have enchantments auto added , like a thor sword which have lightning with higher chance than lightning III book​

alr gave in reason​