Silver Wing
The Pika
- Joined
- Mar 14, 2019
- Messages
- 10,962
- Points
- 259
- SilverWing_YT / Silverizz
69 fun ways to get kicked out of a bedwars party!
- Die as a final
- Refuse to defend
- Sit afk at gen
- Throwing your friend's 69 winstreak
- Jump into the void with emeralds
- Build a big pp?
- Stealing all the finals
- Leave and rejoin in an attempt to get to your base faster
- Keeps forgetting to split the gen
- Buy Forge upgrades
- Your mother barges in and tell you to stop playing, and you disconnect while in middle of clutching a game, leaving your teammate alone
- Try to do godbridge but keep falling into void and nothing else
- Standing on top of the bed and not move so that no one can defend
- ACCIDENTALY typing "my teammates dumb af" in pchat instead of global
- Cuss at your teammate
- Afk when you are the only one alive
- You suddenly remember that your dad left you and so you go and have a mental breakdown
- failing to mlg water bucket when you are a final
- ACCIDENTALY fireball a teammate on a bridge when they walk in front of you
- Switch to a new server when the game is about to start
- You dont know what bfly defense is
- Make a cube defense
- Leak your teammate's phone number
- "INC INC INC"..... *stays in generator"
- Rush diamond armor in 4s
- Not killing someone who ACCIDENTALY went past you, towards your base
- Breaking your own bed defense
- Getting your bed broken while attempting to replace the bed defense with oby
- Breaking the bed defense to place oby but you go afk before placing the oby
- Saying you are good at game and walk off when you are holding shift while bridging
- Trying to godbridge as a final
- Take resources from team chest and put them into e-chest
- Fireball open your bed when an enemy is coming
- Have 6900 ping
- Giving your teammate the final when you know that he will get 2v1'd and you can just clean
- Waterlog your base
- Stealing your teammate's bed
- Spam "69420" in the chat
- Unplug your router
- Dont void when your teammate says VOID
- Power outage
- "I found a glitch in which you get free emeralds, press ALT+F4"
- Spamming "INC" while no one is coming
- Spam "U SUCK, L" when your teammate gets 1v4'd
- Spending all the team iron and showing them 69420 clay blocks
- ACCIDENTALY block trap your teammate
- Take all the emeralds from the team chest and throw them in void
- Stand on top of the bed and shout "THIS IS MY SPOT"
- Slow flatbridge to mid
- Hog the gen for 30 minutes and build a 69 layer bed defense
- Fall into void after your teammate gives you 8 ems for oby
- Fall asleep in the middle of a game
- Roast your teammate here in forum
- Just surround yourself in oby in the corner
- Trying to TNT jump as a final and failing
- Camp generator the whole game and jump of the map
- Leak the party owner's IP
- TNT your bed defense
- Decides to do only oby challenge without telling your teammate
- Request the party leader to kick you
- Tell your teammate that your level is 69420 when your are just 2
- Misplace oby everywhere and trying to mine it with a wooden pickaxe
- Throw the final oby piece into the void
- Buy diamond armor with the ems that your teammate gave you for oby
- Ddos the entirety of pika
- Stopping to tell a joke and getting killed as a final
- Bridge with obsidian
- Oby trap your teammate and go afk
- Date their sister