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1 stack of netherite ingots has been scammed from me


New Member
May 11, 2022
If you type this player's name AKsha you'll probably see his full username i dont rememember it.

I said in chat "1 stack of neth ingots 60k /ah" and this guy /msg me to buy it, he firstly said tp to me, which was weird. its on /ah why would i need to tp to you and then he wanted to trade with me. ITS LITERALLY ON /AH JUST BUY IT. but since i havent sold it for 3-4 days i said this is my chance to sell it and buy armour so i can mine with more confidence. I take it out of /ah i accept /trade we place our items on the board and he keeps on cancelling the trade and then accepting it. he couldnt wait for it to finish and get our stuff from the trade. He did this on 2 continues trades so i was questioning him. he finally agreed to trade without any issues, i check the money, it was only 600 instead of 60k. i told him to give it back to save his account and reputation but he started telling me stuff every other person that tricked me would say "you said 600 only, you said 600 you traded for 600 its fair trade" i called him out in public chat and he never tried to defend himself. someone by the name of iscam defended him saying that I scammed iscam 27k, when i questioned him about it he ignored me. just like how suleLIVE ignored me and then scammed 3 netherite stacks from me. My username is HelloBrother1234. If I dont get my stuff back im quitting. I'm not about to spend days mining just to get scammed twice and then have everyone expect that im gonna continue playing this game. mods do nothing. I reported suleLIVE nothing happened to him

Video proof/link:
View: https://youtu.be/IYLaXcmcuS4

(If video not playing then its still being uploaded or processed. be patient)

ps: I started recording after when he was acting sus and cancelling the trade. I recorded him tricking me only so it'll seem like its taken out of context.

if i legit do not get my stuff back im not playing this server ever again. i was planning on buying samurai rank or even more since im getting paid next month but oh well