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  1. MPlugins

    Just bought Baron and kicked for cheats?

    Hey, I just bought the Baron rank and about an hour later I got kicked for cheating twice, even though I dont cheat. I could record the second time. Can someone tell me whats going on and if thats something to worry about? View: https://youtu.be/P2MlL8jJtDI
  2. Hayllex

    Unfair strikes with no explanation

    This is heartbreaking. When they introduced the strike system, I was so happy because that meant 'real grinders' finally had a chance. And we did it. Non-P2w players, no accumulated wealth over the seasons, no hacks and we made it to the top. Then the P2W players started threatening us, idk why...
  3. _Xx_Yoshi_xX_

    Nice excellent server pika :D... It's fine :D

    Pika is the BAST server EVER... Bcs u r ping abusing you get a BAN OMG Incredible server and while other people that are ping abusing on the server get no bans.. GGS pika you get the price of the best server EVER :D
  4. frdark

    about my appeal

    How does showing me showcalled video proof lmao make me a hacker. ofc i got my ban appeal denied because some random guy said i was hacking i mean archer didn't even try to read my appeal lmao he just declined it in an instant. I don't wanna be cocky but I was one of the best bedwars players on...
  5. ZeloTess

    30 posts to staff application

    If you need atleast 30 posts to make application to staff so how Leo is trial helper ? proof#1: http://prntscr.com/jfggih Proof#2: http://prntscr.com/jfghwx it isnt even fair for other members which want to create staff application..
  6. S


    When i finished building in BuildWars of course. I see almost all the players voting for poop. Is there a way to avoid this?
  7. RcBruder

    Unfair Warning: Trial Helper- Ghost_V

    I was trying to talk to ghost, whether it be what i was saying or whatever, and i could not get ahold of him. So i tried 3 different ways to talk to him and none of them worked. "player not found" is all it would say Then like 5min later, i get a Warning for spamming! I don't feel this is fair...