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  1. Small

    Client Suggestion

    Hello, My name is bowkill and I have 3 clients but Idk which one should I use. I have Badlion Client and Lunar Client and CMClient. Which one should I use? btw vote so i can know which is better ^^^
  2. Small

    BedWars Strategies EXCEPT Iyn Strategy

    I heard of the IYN Strategy, but are there other strategies? Can I get an explanation of all BedWars Strategies?
  3. Hazamx

    Hello everyone, I'm Hazam !!

    Hello guys my ingame name is Hazamx you can call me Hazam my minigames level is 51 and I am VIP ranked and I play practice too and my main gamemode is bridge in it and I also play bedfight, voidfight, and battle rush and my minigames main is bedwars I also play skywars a bit. I am 13 years old...
  4. luhv

    OP player?

    fr my duo was just eating and i was just killing players lmao
  5. MinecraftHDKill

    Yes, Its me.

    Hello I am MinecraftHDKill. More familier as HDKill. Anyways, I've been playing PikaNetwork since 2014? ig I like bedwars (traping and trolling players :3) Skywars not much but its fun :D Have a nice day bye.
  6. Blazemon

    Introducing to u a noob

    So basicly i play Minecraft.. I play Skywars rarely Bedwars i sometimes play PracticePVP aswell. I am good at bridging, clicking fast, i am deacent with redstone and i can create texture packs (low res).
  7. xScrqtch

    Calm Skywars Gameplay | PikaNetwork

    View: https://youtu.be/ko_jW1VxN2M