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  1. Tane_Haha

    How to get more votes than 6 times a day (instead of top.gg)

    I just wanted to know that how to get more votes than 6 times a day because i have seen topvoters are on 49 votes and the mod says that some links have votes twice a day. So tell now here and finish the fight of members and mode regarding votes. A wise Man
  2. knappp

    Titan, Elite and VIP are actually Free

    The rank upgrade from Elite to Titan costs 4,5k iron and is the most expensive upgrade. Since you can get 2k iron with voting each month and within the 14 days after which the iron will disappear you can earn another 1k iron. This makes a total of max 3k iron and now you might ask how can i...
  3. M

    Where is all my iron?

    I recently unlocked the silver rank in the vote crates, and now it is gone. I was wondering why it went away? And second thing, I should have a 1000 iron right now from voting, and recently 500 disappeared. I now only have 500?
  4. W

    Lost iron

    A week ago I wanted to buy elite for iron. I had 1,500 iron, after which I received a vip from the voting chest, for which I was given another 500 iron. I was supposed to have 2000, but I went to the "gold shop" and saw that I had 1000 iron, where did another 1000 go?
  5. Y

    Iron Farm

    Hi! Can somebody send me a Iron Golem auto farm project? Please!!!