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bedwars doubles

  1. kleaky

    Almost got all the finals.. :(

    my friend got the other 1 final, I don't know where the other 1 final went.. im sad now..
  2. kleaky

    #4 in yearly doubles finals!

    my eyes can totally rest
  3. R

    improve gen of solos and duos

    the generator of solos and duos suck quad gen is nice but solo duo gen sucks it fine for solo as u are the only one in your team but when i play duo i cant even get enough iron to buy wool so i can rush pls do something hypixel gen so good same in all modes
  4. momento10

    Bedwars But If I Die, Challenge is Random With GametBoyInd!

    View: https://youtu.be/H-e-sq3lbwA
  5. qxpt

    The xp on bedwars sucks

    The devs need to boost the XP you get every game of bedwars or make an XP booster and make the dragon rider available to buy with coins I'm on 150k coins and I can't buy anything and I wanna cry every time I look at the sidebar pls by: A very sad bedwars player p.s #Astro4Helper
  6. NoobieChips


    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PugmEX6oUOg