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    Season Reset

    What are gkits can you pls tell me
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    discord - Bruhnight_07

    discord - Bruhnight_07
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    alright but why you type two different names one in regards and one in your real name
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    Razon_1 is spamming

    thats not spamming sppam is only done when same msgs are repeatedly send wita little difference ig
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    i threw a string like thing that osp gave me with my armour and where can we trade for elytra and how can we escape it if we already have an elytra
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    104com nethrt just for the first upgrade

    i would recommend getting fortune and i also faced the same problem i mad iron eff 5 and used it also i asked some people to give there extra netherite and then i got like eff14 and and making eff 15 is like impossible for a non ranked player so i got hast 3 (perm) and now it has dropped to 25...
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    Can someone pls tell me how to get Elytra And is elytra also gone after ssn reset
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    Netherite problem cant use it

    oh alright i didnt knew that
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    Pickaxe ability don't use fortune?

    I also I grind the whole month to get maxed out gear and the ssn resets and these ranked players get back to maxed in 4-5 days so if fortune works it would be broken
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    There is a scammer in Sky mines

    Yeah I also went to the shop but i didn't bought anything because i saw its dragon scales pickaxe not its skin voucher
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    Can't use netherite from Kits (Regent )

    When we pass certain levels we get the reward "Regent kit voucher" in this kit we get 16 compressed netherite and some other ores but we can't use it and we get these kits at the time when we really need netherite a lot (around 15 to 25 lvls) many people call it fake netherite so pls remove...
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    i'm stupid

    but why to use these hacks