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  1. Frosteyyy_

    my intro

    i would like to introduce myself a bit. my ign is Frosteyyy_ which is also my nickname for friends or ppl in general im a lvl 26 vip who trying to maybe get titan after getting elite my discord id is frosteyyy__ so if u would like more info jst text me or u jst wanna play
  2. Frosteyyy_

    BedWars add some bedwars maps

    -1 seems very unneccesary since the map selection is in a good amount and more maps can lead to lower players counts
  3. Frosteyyy_


    Its not rly that bad but theres no point because i fought a level 54 who was pretty bad and it can give false information as an example if someone is on an alt or jst got premium
  4. Frosteyyy_

    Private Games!

    they wont jst buy titan
  5. Frosteyyy_

    bedwars game

    yea luhv is right u they will deny it since its cropped
  6. Frosteyyy_

    How to rush on the "new" map Skycrypt

    I would like to talk about how i think rushing style is good for skycrypt. like i see so many ppl rushing very slow since i found out how to rush fast on this map My rushing style: get 8 iron drop the 1 gold in the gen since u wont need it buy 32 blocks from the shop make a quick defense and...
  7. Frosteyyy_

    I need guild members

    i would like to join but im already in a guild so im sorry that i cant
  8. Frosteyyy_

    Getting Elite with Voting

    Im trying to get Elite through votes at the moment and i thought it would be a good idea to use top.gg since i cant keep my voting routines steady
  9. Frosteyyy_

    too lazy

    too lazy
  10. Frosteyyy_

    Selling Reaper Set Piece

    Im selling a Reaper Set Piece for 500 gold or 100k in skypvp money
  11. Frosteyyy_

    BedWars Wish Kill Messages

    im sorry that its confusing i just had the idea of wish kill messages with genies and stuff and thats the only ones i could think of
  12. Frosteyyy_

    BedWars Wish Kill Messages

    thats a really good example you mentioned i like it
  13. Frosteyyy_

    BedWars Wish Kill Messages

    If you want more Examples tell me and ill try to think of some more
  14. Frosteyyy_

    BedWars Wish Kill Messages

    Minecraft username: Astarottt Suggestion: Wish Kill Messages Detailed description: I would love to have Wish Kill Messages for Bedwars. I dont know if it got suggested so ill do that I would make it be for VIP rank and up Reason(s): It gives a mystic vibe and its actually in my opinion...
  15. Frosteyyy_

    can u transfer stuff if u get prem mc

    since i have premium (have to change ign bc someone took it) and i dont want to change client all the time
  16. Frosteyyy_

    can u transfer stuff if u get prem mc

    I would like to know if its possible if u can get ur rank, cosmetics(lobby and bw) and level changed to another account if u get premium minecraft for example
  17. Frosteyyy_

    How can I use VPN?

    from what i know its like this
  18. Frosteyyy_

    How can I use VPN?

    you can use a vpn when you have vip rank
  19. Frosteyyy_

    who is the best pika bedwars player now

    i wouldve said Dark_Ninja_cave but idk since i almost beat him when he had like dia armor with p2 or p3 and sharp iron sword