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  1. xHyperionized

    BedWars Please add /playtime

    -1, It is already a thing
  2. xHyperionized


    Ohhh, Thanks I didin't know.
  3. xHyperionized

    I want what's rightfully mine.

    Sorry to say but Pika does not give WinStreak back. As B1ueRay said the server anti-cheat might be off.
  4. xHyperionized

    Console is messed up

    Hey Champ! Hope this message finds you well, Sometimes the PikaNetwork Anti-Cheat does eat Issues. There still can be serveral reasons to kick such as Lag or Network Issues, Software Interference or Packets/Flags
  5. xHyperionized


    +1 Warrior Mentality 🔥🔥🔥 Your goated
  6. xHyperionized


  7. xHyperionized


    Hello, I'm sorry, they were exploiters who exploited the voting system. They will be banned soon. Measures are being taken to prevent such incidents in the future and ensure fair and accurate voting for all participants.
  8. xHyperionized

    Denied BedWars Pika Gold Rewards

    Minecraft username: hyperionized Suggestion: Pika Gold Rewards Detailed description: I'm writing to suggest a new way to start more competition and keep players engaged: weekly leaderboard rewards with Pika Gold! Here's the idea: Every week, the top 3 players on the leaderboard (for...