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  1. P

    Die in safezone because of opfac bug

    Here's the proof As you can see we're in the safezone
  2. P

    Die in safezone because of opfac bug

    9:50am phillipines time I was watching people fighting and i think opfac crashed then i can't move because of the crashed while waiting to recover to crashed i died. I need my items back you can see it through monitoring. Thankyou have a nice day! -iDrOP_ItHot
  3. P

    Ban appeal

    Ryan said i get banned because of the auto clicker. Like i said i dont use it on minecraft i use it for my brother roblox account because that's the only way to not get kick of the server but he said (ryan) i use it on minecraft. I play roblox while playing minecraft that's why i think. And if i...
  4. P

    SAFE ZONE!!!

    -Connerman Top Abuser quick dropping people then running to safe zone
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    SAFE ZONE!!!

    Fix this ASAP so many people abusing it