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  1. D

    yxay boosting

    I have screen shots of yxay boosting kills, killing the same person to complete a legendary quest. He killled the ign" dthang" 3 times. His ign is "yxay".
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    I got ddos threatened

    Context: We trapped him in our trap and he was really mad.
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    I got banned for nothing

    If nothing can be done can you give the faction leader to sektru.
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    I got banned for nothing

    I believe that printing stuff is the issue because my friend ignrobo also got banned for printing.
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    I got banned for nothing

    I just got banned for nothing on pika. I was making a party and and I got banned for 5 days by console. Ign: rvgovo
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    watered walls

    So with your cannon rules I'm assuming your cannon cant be more than 5 wide on a watered wall correct? Need answered asap.