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  1. Gibbons

    OP Prison Dunes gkit voucher

    LMAO people clearly wont take the 1 shiny bp and be saturated with it, the main idea of the gkit is to get a pickaxe and go mine dunes by urself and u take a full shiny bp cuz why noy
  2. Gibbons

    OP Prison boost multiplier vouchers

    Minecraft username: GibbonsOG Suggestion: boost multiplier vouchers Detailed description: So basically you see those pickaxes with : x1.1 tokens booster , x3 dunes booster bla bla the idea is of making a gem that contains x4 tokens booster , when you place the gem / voucher on the pickaxe...
  3. Gibbons

    OP Prison Dunes gkit voucher

    Minecraft username: GibbonsOG Suggestion: Dunes gkit voucher Detailed description: Basically , a dunes gkit ( will think of name later) , where you can claim it up to 3 tiers Tier 1 of dunes gkit : - dunes pickaxe (a special pickaxe with normal enchantments but x3 dunes booster) - a full...
  4. Gibbons

    OP Prison Add a prestige requirement for pvp

    Minecraft username: GibbonsOG Suggestion: Add a prestige requirement for pvp Detailed description: Add a requirement to access pvp in op prison as a specific prestige reached to access pvp arena , most perfect one is p35 or p30 Reason(s): Reasons : - The amount of hackers and new accounts...
  5. Gibbons

    Denied OP Prison Removing Crossplay

    Minecraft username: GibbonsYT Suggestion: Removing Crossplay Detailed description: Removing crossplay , aka removing all mobile users from pika Reason(s): hacking is so easy on mobile and 90% of hackers in pika are mobile ones Example(s): go op prison legit a hacker every hour and...