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  1. bachex

    Denied SkyWars Maps HEIGHT Change for ender pearls to work

    Username: Bachex Suggestion: Maps HEIGHT Change for ender pearls to work Detailed description: most of the maps are build under Y=100 which is mehh... not suitable for skywars maps should be raised to at least Y=190+ for ender pearls and waterfall clutches to work properly Reason(s)...
  2. bachex

    Denied SkyWars -Monthly- leaderboard should reward top 5 players with pika gold/silver

    Username: Bachex Suggestion: -Monthly- leaderboard should reward top 5 players with pika gold/silver Detailed description: Monthly Leaderboard for kills and wins should reward top 5 or top 10 players with Pika gold or silver which they can spend ingame. at the very end of the month...