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  1. C

    OP Factions special set, combo axe

    Minecraft username: Yxres Suggestion: special set, combo axe Detailed description: change this special sets/axe, ppl have 100% damage without masks and axe. take combo back bc this seaseon is the worst ive ever seen on pika, take ssn like may with combo. Reason(s): bc no1 will play pika...
  2. C

    OP Factions put the spawn like the older

    Minecraft username: RussianMvp Suggestion: put the spawn like the older Detailed description: put the spawn like the older with a theme, bc this is very very very annoying and ugly Reason(s): b
  3. C

    Denied OP Factions Fix the hits of this server, hit delay.

    Minecraft username: Mr_Ca0s_ Suggestion: Fix the hits of this server, hit delay. Detailed description: i had to no explain enything just fix it Reason(s): because with this hits this opf lose players and is unplayable Example(s): i dont have examples