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  1. O

    Tags (problem help)

    soo i buyed som tags from goldshop with pika gold and i have video can i get the vc's ? it dosen't sey anywere that the vc come in your inv (pls put in pv 22 ,name optimS) video: View: https://imgur.com/a/zl1SOj5
  2. O

    Tags had full inv !!

    so i buyed some tags from goldshop and i had full inv and i didnt know they come as vc Where does it say that the tag wil be put in inv when you buy it is put as a voucher? Video View: https://imgur.com/a/JqcZeJZ
  3. O

    Bug Tags

    Where does it say that the tag when you buy it is put as a voucher? Can i have the voucher ?
  4. O

    Bug Tags

    HI,I bought tag from goldshop and if i try to equip the tag its saying "You need to purchase the tag" Video: View: https://imgur.com/a/JqcZeJZ Name: optimS