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  1. D

    Denied OP Factions Perm raid bans

    Username: DontStealMyDad Suggestion: Perm raid bans Detailed description: Any faction that is disqualified (10 or more strikes) should be perm raid banned. This should carry over factions if they were to strike evade and should also connect to accs with same ip addresses. Reason(s)...
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    Denied OP Factions Faction shield times

    Username: DontStealMyDad Suggestion: Faction shield times Detailed description: On /f who [facname] have a count down until the factions shield deactivates. And when their shield deactivates have a count down untill it activates again. Reason(s): Since we all have different timezones it...
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    OPFACTIONS Abubis - Recruitment

    https://discord.gg/kn4TshYd Join the discord and type "/apply application_name:member" in the apply chat
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    Denied OP Factions Raiding restriction

    Username: DontStealMyDad Suggestion: Raiding restriction Detailed description: My Suggestion is to limit factions to 2 raid attempts on the SAME FACTION per day. For example: Faction 1 Raids faction 2 after their shield deactivates. Faction 1 has 1 attempt left on faction 2. Faction 1...
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    vouchers dont work

    Redeemed both Christmas9 and christmas2, one being the pumpkin one and the other the chunk buster one. Neither gave anything. ign: DontStealMyDad