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  1. arnav_18

    201 🍍 🍕

    201 🍍 🍕
  2. arnav_18

    congo on 1k YEAH CONGO TO ME

    congo on 1k YEAH CONGO TO ME
  3. arnav_18

    Elite rank

    Yes u can use it when elite it's called statistical kill msgs which u get from mystery boxes
  4. arnav_18

    Denied BedWars Enderchest

    Suggested and Denied already https://pika-network.net/threads/punch-to-deposit-resources-to-chests.472665/
  5. arnav_18


  6. arnav_18

    Official Capes on Pika using Badlion?

    just do /premium twice, the cape would load
  7. arnav_18

    Lobby Changing position of Pika Packages NPC

    Minecraft username: arnav_18 Suggestion: Changing position of Pika Packages NPC Detailed description: The current position of Pika Packages in the main HUB is not aligned according to the new spawn position the GOLD NPC was moved down but Packages NPC isnt. There already exists a slab...
  8. arnav_18

    Client Suggestion

    Rules have been updated and u might get banned for inactive modifications during screenshare (as far as I have heard from someone)
  9. arnav_18

    Client Suggestion

    Cm client has no hit delay so u might get banned if u get screen shared
  10. arnav_18

    194 pineapple pizzas

    194 pineapple pizzas
  11. arnav_18


  12. arnav_18

    touch grass

    touch grass
  13. arnav_18

    boom boom

    boom boom
  14. arnav_18

    cook me some food (yes rice)

    cook me some food (yes rice)
  15. arnav_18

    BedWars Party Creation Cooldown

    You can just /ignore them or report them on forums if they invite 3+ times
  16. arnav_18

    BedWars Party Creation Cooldown

    Unnecessary to add, u can just /ignore them if u don't want them to party, if they spam party invites you can report on forums, also I don't know what do u mean by advantage there's no link of ingame stats to inviting to party
  17. arnav_18

    Denied BedWars make your bedwars generator fast

    No need in my pov it's completely balanced currently
  18. arnav_18

    Practice I want to see my ping in practice

    U U can to that by just doing /ping
  19. arnav_18

    she ok

    she ok
  20. arnav_18

    why is this cat not replying to pings 👀

    why is this cat not replying to pings 👀