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  1. N

    Denied Event Valentine Event

    Username: shao jing#0379 Suggestion: Valentine Event Detailed description: its almost valentine day, so i suggest you guys to make this event, try to add hidden chocolates or gifts, update the lobby maps or make other maps that is about valentine, but please dont make it only valentine...
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    Denied SkyWars make challenges

    Username: shao jing#0379 Suggestion: make challenges Detailed description: since i cant pick 2 gamemodes so make challenges in skywars and bedwars or other gamemodes, put easy to hard challenges, it will make bedwars, skywars, etc fun. Reason(s): the reason why i wanted this kind of...
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    Denied BedWars i suggest you guys to make a lucky block bedwars

    Username: shao jing#0379 Suggestion: i suggest you guys to make a lucky block bedwars Detailed description: making a lucky block bedwars would be fun, so i suggest you devs to make one for it, and its also optional for players to play lucky bedwars or normal bedwars Reason(s): because i...