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  1. vqnky

    Thanks!, Will be more soon..

    Thanks!, Will be more soon..
  2. vqnky

    Thanks Superior!

    Thanks Superior!
  3. vqnky

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  4. vqnky

    Petition to add a new game mode

    I suggest posting this in the suggestions section here.
  5. vqnky

    Muted for no reason

    To appeal any punishments, you can submit an appeal at this link. Please keep in mind that this is not for second chances and only to be used in the event of an unfair punishment.
  6. vqnky

    Bug banned

    Agreed, Practice has been lagging recently and needs to be fixed. If you would like to be unbanned, you can create a ban appeal at https://pika-network.net/forums/punishment-appeals.149/
  7. vqnky

    why dose bedwars in practice just delete you're bridge sometimes?

    While this feature is probably to save memory, It can be annoying on the times i've played and it happened
  8. vqnky

    Denied Practice Add a gamemode similar to BuildUHC but does not Include rods

    I just thought It would've been a great idea, I do think that this unique as I haven't seen much other servers done it. If you have, please let me know as I would love to try them.
  9. vqnky

    Denied Practice Add a gamemode similar to BuildUHC but does not Include rods

    Minecraft username: vqnky Suggestion: Add a gamemode similar to BuildUHC but does not Include rods Detailed description: Hello there, I was just wondering that you would possibly add a gamemode similar to UHC but doesn't include rods? For example, the kit would Include: Sword Amour...