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  1. M

    Accepted OP Factions Printer suggestion

    You are obviously not playin' factions, so depipe please
  2. M

    Accepted OP Factions Printer suggestion

    over-complicated? Do you even play factions?
  3. M

    Accepted OP Factions Printer suggestion

    @voodootje0 you told me to make a suggestion, can you check this when you have time?
  4. M

    Accepted OP Factions Printer suggestion

    Minecraft Username: IllegalCannon Suggestion: Printer suggestion Detailed description: Add all type of slabs in /printer, all banners and all wools. Cobblestone stair aswell , it will make the gameplay much more fun and easier. THanks in advance ( Voodoo told me to make this suggestion )...
  5. M

    Accepted OP Factions Some suggestions for the next OPFactions Reset

    headache to rotate? is everything okay with you my friend?
  6. M

    Accepted OP Factions Make printer better lol

    welp sir, pace is finally gone so they will myb fix it, +1 ofc
  7. M

    Accepted OP Factions Some suggestions for the next OPFactions Reset

    50 man roster is not competitive at all, the most competitive roster is 10 man, but 20 is fine for op facs, and yes you can rotate players at every moment :)
  8. M

    Denied Creative Add vote rewards in creative again

    -1, you have gamemode 1 there, what else do you need?
  9. M

    Denied Global Make a /Report command

    -1, https://www.pika-network.net/forums/player-reports.150/ you have player reports on forums, anyways staff ingame is useless af, so adding that plugin would be the biggest waste of time ever.
  10. M

    Accepted Survival Add withers

    -1, spend 100 euros on keys and you will get bunch of beacons + withers can make a lag machine
  11. M

    Denied BedWars Add a radar

    -1 whiteout has radarhack so this is pointless