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To return levels / premium pass
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To return level and passes like the last few seasons because /quest is really really bad and EXP is so hard to obtain this season , and it doesnt have a good percent to give something good like...
Minecraft username:
To make dunes closed for people that is tagged when Grace is on
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In OPP pvp so much people just join because Dunes grace is on for 20 minutes , so they can try to quick drop then run to dunes because in Grace time you cant hit...
To remove masks / Outpost damage
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In OPP We have Sharpness 50 why should we have 10% extra damage from outpost? and a mask gives 10-15% too so both together can quick drop people in any set there is no fun in PvP that way masks and outpost...
A bug has been found 4 SEASONS ago , not any dev ( not the new dev's ) tried to fix it because they don't care about the server and when people do it they suddenly care now , multiple people have reported the bug and no staff really cared about it, so don't ban people if you don't want to fix...
Looks like false proof to me there is no way you can 6 block with this new anti cheat you would get kicked the first second, His FOV is really really High which it SHOWS he has reach Example
https://medal.tv/games/minecraft/clips/19zN5G9YFTPFCm/d1337ZgbGkHB?invite=cr-MSxPelcsMjgxNjYxNTAs this...
To remove Gladiator pet from OPP
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Its broken in this gamemode since along time ago, i did Suggestion before but it just got nerfed and its more overpowered now before it would take some fights to deflect now it legit 1 tapped me in 2 hits...
OPP now is legit full of randoms because of the pet no1 even goes pvp with boss + anymore because of the pet they nerfed it 2 times already and its still 1 shotting and wdym by " ig nobody asked " if you dont care you wouldn't come and reply lmao
Low percantages? hard to level ? LMAO bro my pet is level 70 now and every single fight the pet deflects either their pet or my pet a 1v1 never ends without a pet your just saying that because your one of the people that wont even go pvp if there was no pets
To remove gladiator pet from OP PRISON
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In OPP Whenever you try to kill someone with pet and his pet deflects you get 1 shotted and the more you hit the enemy his pet gets more experience on You and deflects
Its just ruining the...
To make gang level boosts come with the tokens//gem stuff and not flood the whole chat
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When you mine you get gang level boost it floods the whole chat look at this video
View: https://imgur.com/TV035Lc
and see how much i get per second...
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