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  1. P

    I want to report 2 people for teaming.

    I was playing bedwars Solos (red) and then scrillexGaming (white) and kabane11 (gray) started teaming.
  2. P


    ok thanks bro. I did it..... just gonna make this 30 words...
  3. P


    Please ban these players. They are hacking. 1. StarkxT 2. Popy18 3. ClMBA
  4. P


    I dont use VPNs. And i will add you on disc. mine is CuberGamer819#4290 with the doge profile pic
  5. P


    I got banned by the anti bot filter, IM NOT EVEN HACKING. Why does pika network keep hackusating me???? I already made an appeal..... BUT STILL BANNED!!?? HOW?? I ALREADY HAD AN APPEAL BUT IM STILL BANNED
  6. P

    I want a rank for free

    Ok thanks. oh wait, let me just make this more than 6 words.
  7. P

    report tommyxboxx

    hes hacking, anti kb and kilaura
  8. P

    I want a rank for free

    Can i get rank without paying?