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  1. Critical

    I have no idea what this post is

    Yeah so I dont really know what to put here so please like and sub do right now pls sub sub sub okay thanks btw i type gud okay sub now alright bye sub okay bye. (Does this remind you of someone? Guess who.)
  2. Critical

    "Teaming" with someone in skywars.

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ll0stL88Xk&feature=youtu.be Top 10 anime betrayals.
  3. Critical

    Denied BedWars Add a map selector.

    Minecraft Username: Crltical Suggestion: Add a map selector. Detailed description: Make it where you can chose a map you want to play on. You can also make it where you can only chose a map 3 times a day for No ranks. And you can also do more maps for donators. Reason(s): Because i am...
  4. Critical

    Things die quick.

    Ya know, I don't know why things have to die so fast. Like remember when everyone was hyped because steve was in smash bros? Well that only lasted for a few days. And next thing you know pika-network could post some AMAZING new gamemode and a few days later, nobody plays it anymore. I missed the...
  5. Critical

    What I hate.

    Ya know I hate seeing that dino run character with a flying cactus. (That moment you realized who i am talking about)
  6. Critical

    GMT is NOT EST

    You know that moment when you schedule something for something in GMT but then do not see the GMT so you just schedule it for EST? Yeah I hate that. @Silver Wing
  7. Critical

    A story.

    Let me tell you a story about a man named InnocentPlayer and ShockXLGG. InnocentPlayer had declared war on ShockXLGG's faction. Innocent then goes to make a trap outside of his faction base. ShockXLGG then goes near the trap and Innocent knocks him into a hole. ShockXLGG then tried to escape but...
  8. Critical

    Denied BedWars Add Pernicious

    Minecraft Username: Crltical Suggestion: Add Pernicious Detailed description: Reason(s): I dont really have a reason other than there are not many maps in BedWars and this map is kinda my favorite.
  9. Critical

    What is your most hated BedWars map?

    Out of the entire BedWars maps on pika-network, which one do you hate the most? (mines the fish tank map)
  10. Critical

    Good Luck or Bad Luck (poll)

  11. Critical

    Rank clout

    Ya know, I just feel like people only ask ranks to team in BedWars because they have a rank. I mean like so there saying every rank is like top priority lmao.
  12. Critical


    Its your boy, chips ahoy Im your guy, apple pie whats good in the hood whats high in the sky join the ip or you will see pika is cool if not ur a fool stop hacking kid cuz that makes this rigged stop trying to flex tho if you do you will have to go uwu is a unforgettable crime if you do your...
  13. Critical

    Crash Machine.

    I remember this one time I was on creative and this guy told me to TP to him to "test" something. When I did tp to him, he told me to press this button. When I did press it, my game just literally froze and made me have to restart! Lmao it was kinda funny.
  14. Critical

    stop it

    I remember when I was helping out on this server and I was testing some commands in console. Then this person said "stop it" and IT STOPPED THE WHOLE SERVER. LMAO
  15. Critical

    wrong id

  16. Critical

    There all here, but me.

    Someday, I will be on this list.
  17. Critical

    The discord.

    I do not get why advertising is not a rule on the Discord. Like everyday I get a message like “HEY WANNA COME TO somerandomserver WE HAVE TRADING BUILDS GAMES EVERYTHING! Clme join now!!!!!!!!” I get tired of that.
  18. Critical


    Has anyone who is like very good at Bedwars/PvP been hackusated alot?