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  1. 8

    Denied Global Gold Revamp.

    Username: asher2345 Suggestion: Gold Revamp. Detailed description: About the gold, it is only available for a few different gamemodes. I feel like if gold was introduced to other gamemodes like Regular Skyblock, KitPvP, and Regular factions, it would increase the number of people buying...
  2. 8

    Denied OP SkyBlock Enchanted Spawner In Crates

    Minecraft Username: asher2345 Suggestion: Enchanted Spawner In Crates Detailed description: Basically to make the spawners in seasonal crates enchanted to at least make them worth abit more than it is. Reason(s): Its so that we players who buy them dont lose out. At least we will make...
  3. 8

    Denied OP SkyBlock Mash Up Books

    Minecraft Username: asher2345 Suggestion: Mash Up Books Detailed description: Its basically like tinkerer to get dust but instead we mashup the same type of book like inqusitive 1 and like maybe 5 and it makes the inq 5 have better rates its like dust but abit better and easier...
  4. 8

    Accepted Black Market Reset (Shorten It)

    Minecraft Username: asher2345 Suggestion: Black Market Reset (Shorten It) Detailed description: I would like /bm resets to be 12 hrs at most as it would be unfair for those with different timezones like me. Reason(s): It's because some people in the pika network community have a...
  5. 8

    ily mrfrenco manz

  6. 8

    how tf to get enchantment orb...

    I NEED TO KNOW HOW HOW do i get enchantment orb istg its annoying me
  7. 8

    My Old Pvp Montage

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alSNnjSfhH4&t=59s Had to take a 1 hour long of clips to get this because of hackers LMFAO
  8. 8

    Denied BedWars Shorter Respawn Time

    Minecraft Username asher2345 Suggestion: Shorter Respawn Time Detailed description: So as we know respawn time is 5 secs which is enough for a enarby enemy to break our beds with tnt/fist (if its wool). Which if its a hacker its kind of unfair so we should have a shorter respawn time...
  9. 8

    Denied OP Factions Lesser Cooldown For Different Kits

    Minecraft Username RealTBNR Suggestion: Lesser Cooldown For Different Kits Detailed description: So lesser cooldown for like donator kits like pro remains 30 min then it slowly goes down as alot of people need sets to pvp so lesser the cooldown the more sets. Reason(s): More sets for...
  10. 8

    Please Fix Bedwars Anti-Cheat

    As all of you know the Anti-Cheat is trash here and in bedwars there is alot of hackers. Owners Devs Please Fix Anti-Cheat Bedwars isnt fun with hackers i played 5 games all of it has at least 4 hackers. Please Fix It To Make Is Fun Again!
  11. 8

    GG ON New Helpers,Mods And Admin

    So this is for every new promoted trials,helpers and mods. GG on those who got promoted from trial-helper helper-mod and mod-admin!! You guys deserve it but please ban more hackers in bedwars.
  12. 8


    Anyone wanna UwU with me im in need of UwU'ing. Please Dm Me If U Wanna UwU. Dm me at discord asher2345#8866
  13. 8

    Better Kits

    I suggest that we can add better kits like for the extra ranks as those who dont have money cant buy ranks and will be defenseless sometimes.
  14. 8

    Denied Practice I suggest we remove all the hackers

    Minecraft Username RealTBNR Suggestion: I suggest we remove all the hackers Detailed description: I did this becuase there are too many hackers here. Reason(s):