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  1. DeadOrigin

    Selling Boss and Captain Ranks | OPPRISON

    Hello, I am selling the follow ranks on OPPrison, if interested please dm me on discord ! 2x Boss Rank Available for 2500 Pika Gold (20Euro Worth of Pika Gold) 2x Captain Rank Available for 1200 Pika Gold (10Euro Worth of Pika Gold)
  2. DeadOrigin

    Event EVENT: Winter Hunt!

    ☃️Winter Hunt☃️ Hosted by: DeadOrigin & giogio_777 *・゜・*:.。.*.。.:*・☆・゜・*:.。.*.。.:*・☆・゜・*:.。.*.。.:*・☆・゜・*:.。.:*・☆・゜・*:.。.*.。.:*・゜・* Hey PikaCrafters! The staff-team will be hosting a parkour event on the upcoming Sunday (December 27 2020 at 5:00PM GMT)...
  3. DeadOrigin

    Denied OP SkyBlock Adding E-Spawners in shop instead of Prestiging (2)

    Minecraft Username: DeadOrigins Suggestion: Adding E-Spawners in shop instead of Prestiging (2) Detailed description: Alright, This time its me To obtain an enchanter spawner, it requires 250x of the same spawner in order to prestige. My suggestion is simple - Add on /shop the ability to...