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  1. Aguilar_20

    Lobby parkour in lobby

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: parkour in lobby Detailed description: there is a lot of unused spaces that no one even visit in lobby . it will be better to add a parkour around the map in the free spaces . and end of parkour should be in the mouth of the pika statue . i know...
  2. Aguilar_20

    Website changes in bug report forem

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: changes in bug report forem Detailed description: now in the bug report forum if its denied it wont specify the correct reason for the denial . it just says " This may be the case because of one or more of the following reasons: Insufficient...
  3. Aguilar_20

    Buying guardian to Sentinal rankup

    I am looking for a gaurdian to sentinal rankup voucher in skymine. If anyone is selling contact me currently i can give 2 ssnl ranks in op prision (criminal and smuggler) and a 500 pika iron worth key in any gamemode (for example godly key in skypvp or skinkey in skymine)
  4. Aguilar_20


    when will be the next skymine reset ? will it be any time soon? the last reset was 4 months ago
  5. Aguilar_20

    SkyMines Multiple key opening at once

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: Multiple key opening at once Detailed description: Now in skymine we can only open 1 ket at a time make it we can open upto 64 keys at a time according to our rank. If i am gaurdian i can open 5 keys at a time If I am sentinal can open 10 keys...
  6. Aguilar_20

    Global friend system

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: friend system Detailed description: Add Friend system we can make other player friends by sending friend request and them accepting . and by using a command we can see our friends list (online and offline) From lobby we can see what gamemode...
  7. Aguilar_20

    SkyMines Boss drops

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: Boss drops Detailed description: Now i can see that the most useful boss drop is ancient warp which we get from mummy which is the easiest to kill . and when go next bosses as the difficulty to kill them increases the uses of their drop decrease. for...
  8. Aguilar_20

    Global easy travelling b/w gamemodes

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: easy travelling b/w gamemodes Detailed description: now if we need change our gamemode/go to other gamemodes . we need use /lobby first then select the gamemode. To make it easier and faster i suggest adding a command to choose each gamemode ...
  9. Aguilar_20

    vote keys in almost all gamemode

    am selling votes in almost all gamemode . i want keys/items in skymine in return . if u are wanna trade DM me in discord @nrgaguilar IGN Aguilar_20
  10. Aguilar_20

    Denied Website Discord Player reports for discord

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: Player reports for discord Detailed description: Add a new forem or in the existing player reports. Where we can reports violations in discord also. Now in the player report forem it ask for ig name. We cant put discord name there. So add an...
  11. Aguilar_20

    SkyMines A better version of ah

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: A better version of ah Detailed description: Now the ah which we have ig means we put something in ah and we decide the prize we need. But the real auction mean we put a item and add starting prize. And whoever bid highest wins it. Like that add a...
  12. Aguilar_20

    SkyMines Chat and nick color in vote create

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: Chat and nick color in vote create Detailed description: There is voter tag in vote create key. Add a chat color and nick color in vote create also. For the voter name color i suggest the same design as voter tag. And about chat color idont have a...
  13. Aguilar_20

    Website Changes in appeal and complaint forem

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: Changes in appeal and complaint forem Detailed description: Now the forem once we post a complaint or appeal and admin reply it we cant send more messages. I suggest making it 1. Complaint forem. When someone open a complaint forem now what...
  14. Aguilar_20

    SkyMines About no pvp zone

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: About no pvp zone Detailed description: The stone, coal and spawn island are non pvp zone in skymine. There are some noob player who use bow to attack others standing in border line. So we couldnt attack th back as they are in no pvp zone but they...
  15. Aguilar_20

    SkyMines EXP Selling/buying

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: EXP Selling/buying Detailed description: Allowing to sell/buy exp to/from other player . there is already a command /withdrawexp .which not currently working i suggest to make it that we can withdraw our exp with that command like we do with...
  16. Aguilar_20

    SkyMines Improving backpack

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: Improving backpack Detailed description: Now in skymine and we use backpack. If it get full then the ores i mined wont enter my inventory. So i had to check backpack every 2 minutes if its full or not or else it gets full and the ores i mine after...
  17. Aguilar_20

    SkyMines Getting exp when mining ore blocks

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: Getting exp when mining ore blocks Detailed description: Now we get exp when we mine ores. But there blocks in the ore (eg: diamond block in diamond mine along with diamond ore) when we mine these we wont get exp. And there is a lot of blocks in...
  18. Aguilar_20

    Denied SkyMines Add keytrade in skymine.

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: Add keytrade in skymine. Detailed description: Every other gamemode has create key trade except in skymine. Add key trade in skymine too pls. It will be so usefull. Every other gamemode has it. Then why not in skymine. So pls add it...