Minecraft username:
fast command for exit from tutorial
Detailed description:
i am older player of oplifesteal and i need to do /skiptutorial like over 10 times for hide the title on my screen
i cant exit fat from tutorial with /skiptutorial, i have 10 account and is...
Minecraft username:
play time online rewards
Detailed description:
can you add more days in menu /ptr?
after 15 days we cant take rewards for play online, and season is long, so can you add rewards for other day, maybe 60 or 90 days too iincluded
Minecraft username:
limit balance at oplifesteal 100billion
Detailed description:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfhsePbmLX0
add 100billion limit balance at oplifesteal cuz last season i lose 10 billion
and this season i lsoe again 10 billion, and you dont...
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