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  1. 123DEVILpro123

    Global Auto iron claim

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Auto iron claim Detailed description: We get 500 pika iron for each 50 votes in /vote section. We sometimes think to claim iron at end of month to save iron for next 13 days to buy something good later but we sometime forget to claim it. I...
  2. 123DEVILpro123

    Denied Website Check old suggestions

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Check old suggestions Detailed description: There are many old suggestions which are very good but not yet checked such as School Kill Messages , Scaffold victory dance , ability to pause personal boosters , offline fmsg , etc They are very...
  3. 123DEVILpro123

    OP Lifesteal Unscramble chatgame

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Unscramble chatgame Detailed description: In op lifesteal season 1 and season 2 there were unscramble chatgames. It got removed later. I suggest to add unscramble chatgames back to op lifesteal. They are fun to answer. These unscramble...
  4. 123DEVILpro123

    SkyMines Netherite trim colour

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Netherite trim colour Detailed description: Netherite trim colour is in common colours which give +1.5% dmg. My suggestion is to make it in legendary colour which gives 3.5% dmg or rare colour which gives 2.5%dmg. Adding it in legendary...
  5. 123DEVILpro123

    SkyMines Chatgames

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Chatgames Detailed description: Chatgames are random questions or games which occur in chat every 30 minutes. My suggestion is to add chatgames in skymines. First player to answer a chatgame correctly gets a chat point. He can exchange the...
  6. 123DEVILpro123

    SkyMines Uncompact

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Uncompact Detailed description: There is a commant named /compact which converts all ores in your inventory into higher tier like it converts 64 compressed diamond into 1 block of compressed diamond. In the same way there should be a...
  7. 123DEVILpro123

    SkyMines Koth

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Koth Detailed description: King Of The Hill ( koth ) is area where everyone fights for koth rewards. You have to stay in koth box for 5min to get rewards if you are capping it. So my suggestion is to add koth in skymines Reason(s): Adding...
  8. 123DEVILpro123

    SkyMines Nick command

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Nick command Detailed description: Nick command basically allows you to create your nickname which will be displayed in place of your name In skymines you can do /nick only if you have grand+ rank. Nick command voucher can be added or players...
  9. 123DEVILpro123

    SkyMines Better Playtime rewards

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Better Playtime rewards Detailed description: Playtime rewards are additional rewards you get after playing gamemode for specific time. In skymines, playtime rewards are very bad. They are like 16 compressed diamonds, 16 compressed emeralds etc...
  10. 123DEVILpro123


    is low on fire texture pack allowed? it just lowers down the fire on the screen to increase visibility while in pvp.
  11. 123DEVILpro123


    When is op lifesteal going to reset
  12. 123DEVILpro123


    I bought camel pet egg today from /zookeeper but cant find it. From where can i get it? Where does it go. plz tell me.
  13. 123DEVILpro123

    BEST PVPIER in the server.

    Who is the best pvpier in whole op lifesteal?
  14. 123DEVILpro123

    About pets

    How to get pets. PLZ tell me.
  15. 123DEVILpro123


    What is OpLifesteal? OP Lifesteal is a Survival-like gamemode in which players can fight each other in a huge open world. Your adventure starts in the wild. Gather resources, kill mobs but most importantly don't die! Each kill will grant you with a heart and each death will lose you one! Hearts...
  16. 123DEVILpro123

    Chunk loader

    Can we get banned for using chunk loader? What is the best location to build chunk loader so that no one will find it?
  17. 123DEVILpro123


    1. Can I get banned for using pie ray for finding bases? 2. Why some armor trims are gliched?