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  1. CqmeronO

    OP Lifesteal Buffing / Revamping Playtime Rewards

    Minecraft username: CqmeronO Suggestion: Buffing / Revamping Playtime Rewards Detailed description: Playtime Rewards getting a bigger buff (towards later levels especially) increasing the amount of keys (or decreasing on certain levels / subbing different keys in) increasing the money...
  2. CqmeronO

    OP Lifesteal A change on level 95

    Minecraft username: CqmeronO Suggestion: A change on level 95 Detailed description: Changing the first requirement of /level 95 in my opinion is necessary. It would take a month in order to complete this. Not alot I can say about this. Reason(s): As I said completing the level would...
  3. CqmeronO

    Global More emojis to the new Pika+

    Minecraft username: CqmeronO Suggestion: More emojis to the new Pika+ Detailed description: Pray emoji 🙏 Heart broken emoji 💔 Crown emoji 👑 Thumbs up emoji 👍 Thumbs down emoji 👎 Wrong / X emoji ❌ Correct / Tick emoji :check_mark: Sob emoji 😭 Poop emoji :poop: (Most likely to be used in a...
  4. CqmeronO

    OP Lifesteal Kill effects

    Minecraft username: CqmeronO Suggestion: Kill effects Detailed description: A /killeffects command which brings you to a similar gui to the /chatcolour and /nickcolour GUI's in which lets you chose some effects that pop out of a player when you kill them. Reason(s): We already have nick...
  5. CqmeronO

    OP Lifesteal Macro checks

    Minecraft username: CqmeronO Suggestion: Macro checks Detailed description: A GUI that pops up when repeating the same action similar to the one in Op Skyblock. It has the 9x3 gui that shows food items, saying "Do not click here" and "Click here" Reason(s): This is to prevent Macro-ers...
  6. CqmeronO

    OP Lifesteal Level top command

    Minecraft username: CqmeronO Suggestion: Level top command Detailed description: /leveltop Takes you to a similar GUI to /crownstop , /baltop , /killtop etcetera. This GUI shows you the IGNs and PlayerHeads of the highest levelled player and shows their current level. Reason(s): It...
  7. CqmeronO

    OP Lifesteal Shards from King Of The Hill

    Minecraft username: CqmeronO Suggestion: Shards from King Of The Hill Detailed description: In this seasonal crate there is a chance to get 2500 shards. During early game this is quite nice, but later on it's one of those people regret buying. The current KOTH Rewards are very beneficial...
  8. CqmeronO

    Fancy little button :D

    How do I do that fancy thing where it's like "Click here" and once you click here it sends you to a link like ban appeals etc
  9. CqmeronO

    SkyMines Private mines

    Minecraft username: CqmeronO Suggestion: Private mines Detailed description: An item from the seasonal crate (Seasonal) that gives you access to a mine of your choice. Once redeeming it you get an option where it shows you every mine. Stone, Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Redstone...
  10. CqmeronO

    Next admin member?

    I personally think it is one of the 4 xDeleted Aeqlian Thijme01 or Ungluecklicher. I'd love for it to be Aeqlian or Thijme01 but I think it will be Ungluecklicher or xDeleted (Routing for xDeleted)
  11. CqmeronO

    Denied Global Small revamp of some rules.

    Minecraft username: CqmeronO Suggestion: Small revamp of some rules. Detailed description: Small rework of the rules. Example the screensharing rules. 1 week for inactive modifications is way too short. I think a better approach would be 30 days (inactive modifications), 90 days (active)...
  12. CqmeronO

    SkyMines Disable Elytra/pearls/portals in combat

    Minecraft username: CqmeronO Suggestion: Disable Elytra/pearls/portals in combat Detailed description: Whenever you get combatted you are unable to use your elytra. When you are in combat you CAN pearl in combat however it has a 10 second cooldown (Adjustable). Also being unable to go...