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  1. Florinyo

    Accepted OP SkyBlock Iron in /goldshop (OpSkyblock)

    Minecraft username: Florinyo Suggestion: Iron in /goldshop (OpSkyblock) Detailed description: The iron option to buy gkits for members should be brought back to these gamemodes, i don't think anyone wants to compete or spend gold at start just to be in the Announcements for nothing. Me...
  2. Florinyo

    Accepted Website Remove Report type

    Minecraft username: Florinyo Suggestion: Remove Report type Detailed description: Remove the option to select report type Reason(s): Because it is not needed, im pretty sure everyone knows the difference the report types. Also would make reporting simple and faster instead of me...
  3. Florinyo

    OP SkyBlock Add Head booster in Booster gkit and Booster package chance

    Minecraft username: Florinyo Suggestion: Add Head booster in Booster gkit and Booster package chance Detailed description: Head boosters are important early game and its very sad to see them only in seasonal keys and lootcrates they should be added in booster packages, or keys, and maybe...
  4. Florinyo

    Guide for OpSkyblock?

    +1 if you agree to it being added
  5. Florinyo

    Denied Global Debounce setting - illegal modification

    Username: Florinyo Suggestion: Debounce setting Detailed description: As we all know in disallowed modifications the X Mousebuttoncontrol is used for many things but also changing your debounce to other mouses which don't have the setting built in on the software. Debounce setting is added...
  6. Florinyo

    Denied Practice Add boxing

    Username: Florinyo Suggestion: Add boxing Detailed description: I suggest adding boxing with swiftness 2 x duration pot either inventory or instantly applied. And the winner is who gets 100 hits first Reason(s): Because some players would like to combo more, sumo ends too fast and we...
  7. Florinyo

    Denied Practice When you win you earn 1 ranked match

    Minecraft Username: Florinyo Suggestion: When you win you earn 1 ranked match Detailed description: I think its fair to get 1 ranked because we get daily 20 and from crates, max you can get is 25 Reason(s): Because some people wanna play Ranked more than normals