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  1. iiLuc_

    SkyMines Increased final payouts

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Increased final payouts Detailed description: Increase the iron from payouts in skymines. Currently the final payout for skymines is: #1 200e worth of iron #2 120e worth of iron #3 75e worth of iron In my opinion, for a 12 long week competition...
  2. iiLuc_

    SkyMines Goldenapples in the /shop

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Goldenapples in the /shop Detailed description: Add golden apples to the /shop. Currently we have to craft golden apples. My suggestion is to allow players to buy them in the /shop with ingame money. ( Price for 1 golden apple is up to devs )...
  3. iiLuc_

    OP Prison Mystery explosive gkit in mystery crate

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Mystery explosive gkit in mystery crate Detailed description: Add the mystery explosive gkit book back into the mystery crate. This book has a 25% chance of giving the explosive gkit, and if it doesn't work you get an epic key. This used to be in the...
  4. iiLuc_

    SkyMines PVPtop competition

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: PVPtop competition Detailed description: A competition based on PVP should be added to skymines. NOTE: THIS IS A INDIVIDUAL COMPETITION AND NOT A ISLAND COMPETITON Payout: #1: 125e pika iron #2: 90e pika iron #3: 50e pika iron THIS COMPETITION...
  5. iiLuc_

    SkyMines Mysteryman

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Mysteryman Detailed description: A mysteryman shop with rotating items should be added to skymines. The mysteryman can only be traded with during the weekends. This system is already a thing on OPPrison and it should get added here. Items like...
  6. iiLuc_

    SkyMines Infinity chests

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Infinity chests Detailed description: Infinity chests can be placed on the island to collect ores from generators. The chests would work the same like they do on factions and skyblock. Infinity chests would cost 5 million money. The ores collected in...
  7. iiLuc_

    SkyMines Compacting wand

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Compacting wand Detailed description: Just like we have the sell wand there should be a compacting wand so we can compact all items in a chest. ( Will put the compacted blocks in your inventory ) Reason(s): At this moment if you have a farm with...
  8. iiLuc_

    SkyMines Lower the price of speed

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Lower the price of speed Detailed description: Currently the first level of speed costs 80 compressed wither roses. This takes way too long to grind and it should be lowered to around 20 compressed wither roses. Reason(s): The amount of time it takes...
  9. iiLuc_

    SkyMines Boss spawner eggs

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Boss spawner eggs Detailed description: These boss spawner eggs allow you to spawn a boss of a certain type. You can only spawn them on the island of the boss you are spawning. You will be able to obtain the boss eggs from: - Supply crates ( low...
  10. iiLuc_

    SkyMines Mob drops boosted by outpost

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Mob drops boosted by outpost Detailed description: The overworld outpost boosts the drops you get from mining. Now there is a new mob drops system I think it's a good idea the outpost should boost mob drops too. Reason(s): This will result into pvp...
  11. iiLuc_

    SkyMines ./is chat in combat

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: ./is chat in combat Detailed description: It would be great if we can use /is chat while we are in combat. It would be a huge quality of life change if this gets added. Reason(s): It's really annoying if a naked person combat tags you and you got...
  12. iiLuc_

    SkyMines Booster GKit

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Booster GKit Detailed description: A booster GKit should be added to skymines. The price of the GKit in the goldshop will be 5000 gold ( this is without any sale ). A seasonal booster gkit can be obtained from the resources crate ( 1% chance to get it...
  13. iiLuc_

    SkyMines Adding experience boosters

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Adding experience boosters Detailed description: With the brand new level system I believe there should be some type of booster to level up quicker. An experience boosters can be obtained from the vote key ( 5 minutes, 2x exp ) and from the seasonal...
  14. iiLuc_

    Accepted SkyMines Reworking the competition

    Minecraft username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Reworking the competition Detailed description: We are now half way through the season and after 6 weeks of competing I believe the competition should be reworked. These things should be implemented in the next map. Hear me out. - Currently there are...
  15. iiLuc_

    Denied Adding gang boosters to the mysteryman

    Username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Adding gang boosters to the mysteryman Detailed description: Adding beacon/token/money gang boosters instead of the personal boosters in the mysteryman. Reason(s): The fruit booster package was released this season. Personal boosters are obtained from it...
  16. iiLuc_

    Denied OP Factions Adding more gkits in the seasonal crates and adding 25% books in unique keys.

    Username: iiLuc_ Suggestion: Adding more gkits in the seasonal crates and adding 25% books in unique keys. Detailed description: Adding more gkits in the seasonal crate like the abandoned gkit. Also I would like to see 25% gkit books in the unique crate. Right now there are 2 seasonal...