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  1. Diamond_Gamerzz

    Denied Add a special system to detect bots

    Username: Diamond_Gamerzz Suggestion: Add a special system to detect bots Detailed description: A channel in discord or forums where we can sent the ign of a player and one of the staff sends him an antibot popup (just like the anti afkgrind popup in classic skyblock) and if the bot tries to...
  2. Diamond_Gamerzz

    Denied SkyWars Reward for successful report of a hacker

    Username: Diamond_Gamerzz Suggestion: Reward for successful report of a hacker Detailed description: A small reward of pika gold to the people woh successfully report a hacker. pls read full \/ Reason(s): As we all know, the hackers/bots in skywars are increasing day by day and there...
  3. Diamond_Gamerzz

    Denied SkyWars Add Silverfish Eggs

    Username: Diamond_Gamerzz Suggestion: Add Silverfish Eggs Detailed description: throwable Silverfish spawn eggs just like in bedwars. Obtainable from mid chests only Reason(s): Annoying items are always very good for a game. Silverfish will be really annoying and enjoyable for trollers :>
  4. Diamond_Gamerzz

    Denied BedWars Add Eggs/Snowballs to bedwars

    Username: Diamond_Gamerzz Suggestion: Add Eggs/Snowballs to bedwars Detailed description: Some new cool projectiles to bedwars will be great. The cost should be 4 emerald/16 gold for 16 snowballs/eggs. Reason(s): bedwars is mostly about briedging, so it obviously need something which is cheap...
  5. Diamond_Gamerzz

    Denied BedWars Make the coins and exp in a bedwars double compared to skywars

    Username: Diamond_Gamerzz Suggestion: Make the coins and exp in a bedwars double compared to skywars Detailed description: Bedwars games tend to take longer time compared to a skywars game. The exp and coins we get from a game is similar. This might lead people to start playing more of...
  6. Diamond_Gamerzz

    Denied Forums During a suggestion make it possible to select more than 1 gamemode in forums

    Username: Diamond_Gamerzz Suggestion: During a suggestion make it possible to select more than 1 gamemode in forums Detailed description: While we make a suggestion, if we are able to choose more than 1 gamemode it would be very good to find it after filtering other than using the global...
  7. Diamond_Gamerzz

    Denied A small global elo system just like practise

    Username: Diamond_Gamerzz Suggestion: A small global elo system just like practise Detailed description: An elo system which works based on daily win/lose ratio. It resets everyday and priorly matchmakes with people of the same/similar elo. This is exactly what practice has. Reason(s)...
  8. Diamond_Gamerzz


    I think csb needs to get resetted it's been quite a while and a lot of people are waiting for it
  9. Diamond_Gamerzz

    Denied SkyBlock Add collectables

    Minecraft Username: Diamond_Gamerzz Suggestion: Add collectables Detailed description: Add a few items ingame which cannot be bought with ingame or real money. rn its possible to get everything in the game with real money. Maybe add a few kind of collectable items which can be gifted to...
  10. Diamond_Gamerzz

    Denied Discord Fast type events, Weekly giveaways

    Minecraft Username: Diamond_Gamerzz Suggestion: Fast type events, Weekly giveaways Detailed description: Fast type events can be like the picture of a sentence with be given and whoever gives the perfect answer wins. weekly giveaways of 5$ pika gift cards. this will help because if people...
  11. Diamond_Gamerzz

    Denied Discord Please add more events in discord

    Minecraft Username: Diamond_Gamerzz Suggestion: Please add more events in discord Detailed description: Please add more events in discord other than karaoke events. Maybe some good bot games. Reason(s):
  12. Diamond_Gamerzz

    More Discord Events

    add more discord events please. We would love more events.