Hey RyanCerified,
After careful consideration of your suggestion, I've decided to upvote it due to the following reason(s):
Minor Quality of Life change that saves a little time every report
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork :yaychu:
Hello sleepiin,
After thinking about your suggestion, I've come to the decision to downvote it due to the following reason(s):
Already suggested and denied
Make sure to read the suggestion guidelines and use the forum search feature to search for duplicate posts.
Enjoy playing on...
Hello DreadBoi,
After thinking about your suggestion, I've come to the decision to downvote it due to the following reason(s):
Already exists as a status mode
Make sure to read the suggestion guidelines and use the forum search feature to search for duplicate posts.
Enjoy playing on...
Minecraft username:
Disable duels in "Away" mode
Detailed description:
I think that duel requests on Practice should be turned off, when you change your status to "Away", as that mode indicates you're AFK and not in the game. It's a minor change that would help...
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