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  1. Cradlless

    Regarding -Applying for staff-

    The requirements say that you need 30+ accepted player reports. so say, you reported 35 (your example) but 6 of them get denied, you can't apply then. Lastly, accepted player reports can be any type. Forums, ingame Or in the Pika Discord. Hopefully this resolved your query.
  2. Cradlless

    Denied Global Removing 'sh*t'' from the swearing rule

    I mean, not only because of that though. They also say that word in case they lose a game or just casually in public chat. Not to demean other people
  3. Cradlless

    Denied Global Removing 'sh*t'' from the swearing rule

    Well, you have a point there, another suggestion denied, great!
  4. Cradlless

    Denied Global Removing 'sh*t'' from the swearing rule

    Exactly, it is not even offensive, think about that B1ueRay
  5. Cradlless

    Denied Global Removing 'sh*t'' from the swearing rule

    Minecraft username: Cradlless Suggestion: Removing 'sh*t' from the swearing rule Detailed description: So I would like the word shi*t removed from the rule of Swearing, and neither should the message be flagged. Reason(s): - Sh*t is not even a bad word according to me - It is not even...
  6. Cradlless

    Of course!!!

    Of course!!!
  7. Cradlless

    Hey sir, big fan

    Hey sir, big fan
  8. Cradlless

    Proud to say I have got 300 player reports accepted :D

    Proud to say I have got 300 player reports accepted :D
  9. Cradlless


    :D Thanks so much Ankush, hope you have a good day too.
  10. Cradlless

    Nateblade !

    Yo what's up!!!! Welcome back :D
  11. Cradlless


    It's me again, I am Cradlless. My ign is Cradlless and my Discord username is cradlless_45718, you can dm me if you have any questions :), Anyway, I am happy I got Adlless and me unbanned, and now I am having my time playing PikaNetwork. Wish to talk to you all :D.
  12. Cradlless

