YellowFlash_75(IGN) Hussain#5506(Discord)
50% Chance of Rumble/Normal when there isn't any vote done
Detailed description:
My suggestion is that whenever there isn't any ranked player in a skywars queue or anyone didn't vote. There should be a 50% chance for...
YellowFlash_75(IGN) Hussain#5506(Discord)
Chat showing whenever an ability has worked
Detailed description:
My suggestion is whenever an ability has worked it shows in chat. Like whenever vampire ability works it says in chat. This should also has a way to toggle it or...
YellowFlash_75(IGN) Hussain#5506(Discord)
A chat for nitro boosters
Detailed description:
I believe that people who use their nitro to boost the server and help them should get a chat for themselves as #boosters-chat or maybe something else.Other than that people can...
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