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  1. S

    Staff Members and PAC

    And? After seeing the video, do you still think its a lie?
  2. S

    Staff Members and PAC

    Note* i did get unbanned. The owners response to my video was Make sure to keep your cps below 8 *I have around 11 as seen in top left corner. This pissed me off because thats an ridiculous requirement
  3. S

    Staff Members and PAC

    I already posted it a while back, and I tried to recreate the ban and i couldnt get myself banned again so i guess i just had very bad luck.
  4. S

    Staff Members and PAC

  5. S

    Never give up.

    I was expecting some motivational next level stuff, but it was just one guy applying for staff twice lol. Just a little cringy. Dv inc
  6. S

    Staff Members and PAC

    PAC falsely banned me, first time pvping on pika in a few weeks. The fight took 30 seconds and I got insta banned because I hit an NPC that spawned in my face. PAC is by no means a good anti cheat if this happens to innocent players.