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  1. LANPlayer


    Pls unmute i got muted for no reason lol why
  2. LANPlayer

    Duping And Xraying

    Thanks bro I have screenshot
  3. LANPlayer

    Duping And Xraying

    Yes i have for dalibor and for the Aksel you can ezily see on ah that how much netherite he had been selling i suspect some players on pika r duping
  4. LANPlayer

    Wanna Team My Ign :LANPlayer

    Wanna Team My Ign :LANPlayer
  5. LANPlayer

    Duping And Xraying

    Recently I teamed with XxdaliborxX and Aksel has duping and selling netherite stuff anganin like unlimitedly in/ah I m sure there r duping n dalibor was xraying